Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Workout Plan - Let's Go !

so it's settled ..

from now on before i sleep, i'm going to do 120 push ups every other day. i've already started, and i've done this twice. soon it'll be doing 120 everyday than from every other day (y). and i know what you're thinking .. "do you do 120 straight?!" - i don't actually. i do 6 sets of 20 push ups .. and if you know your math, it equals 120, aha. and even though my arms and my chest get really sore, the end result will be worth it. i'm already seeing some improvements :) haha. but yeah .. all i can do is push ups for now as my workout. i don't wanna start lifting weights yet 'cause i'm still growing. i know this because i tend to have growing pains in my knees here and there - like right now. anyway, i'm out. 'til i update again..
- Kenneth Gorospe

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